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What I am Learning From My Training with Anthony Joshua – PART 2

I hope you enjoyed the first part of this Anthony Joshua series.

If you didn’t read the first part, you can read it here

Let’s continue to the second lesson

The second lesson I learnt while Training with Anthony Joshua is something I learned initially when I was in school

Here is the gist:

When I started learning about doing business and making money online, ONE BIG issue that stood out for me was the fact that I would have to spend money to run adverts.

And the FEAR of what could happen if those adverts did not work drove me crazy.

As at the time, my monthly pocket money from my parents was N2000 a month

The only way I could raise money for adverts was to take some of the money that was meant for my school fees (I had no significant property to sell)

And I just couldn’t imagine what will happen if I ran advert and it did not work

Then one day, I was reading one of Napoleon Hill’s books

In that book, he started talking about getting used to temporary pain so that you can have long term pleasure

That gave me a lot of motivation

I thought – “What is the worst thing that would happen if I spent my school fees to run adverts and lost?”

I realized that it wouldn’t lead to any permanent damage or harm

So, I took the decision and ran my first advert using my school fees

And guess what?

It didn’t make a dime

But 2 interesting things happened.

(1) I realized that the pain that came from the advert that did not work wasn’t much unlike if I lost the money

(2) The pain pushed me to find out why the advert that did not work

Before you know it, I even borrowed my junior brother’s school fees

I promised him that we will make money if the advert succeeded.

But you know what?

This second advert also failed.

I ran another one that failed again after this

But you know what?

All these failures did something to me


And as a result, I learnt how to work through the pain because I knew something good will come out of it

The same thing happened during my initial trainings with Anthony Joshua

Initially, the pain from the workouts were a lot

Then after the first 6 workouts, I started getting used to the pain

I would be working out, drenched in sweat and saying to myself:

“Short term pain, long term pleasure”

That single line above is why many people will never progress in life

They avoid short term pain by all means

Instead, they are always soaking themselves in short term pleasures which mostly leads to long term pain

An example here since we are talking about fitness and health would be eating fried foods and sugar foods just to experience the temporary sweetness

But in long term, it could lead to diabetes, obesity and all sorts of terrible diseases

In the area of improving your business and income, short term pain could be developing the habit of spending 1 hour a day to read a book.

Initially, it would be difficult.

But later on, you will get used to it.

The results won’t be immediate.

But after a while, the results of that short term pain will begin to show up

Let me summarize today’s lesson for you in one statement:

“Learn to get used to short term pain that will lead to long term pleasure”

I appreciate you for reading my newsletters.

But I will appreciate it better if you apply them to your life.

May God help us all


PS: There is a video by Arnold Schwarzenegger (Terminator) that I want you to watch

It is about 31 minutes but suffer through it and watch

Here is the link to the video –

P.P.S – Part three of this series is ready. Click this link to read it


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  • by Segun
    Posted June 30, 2019 9:04 am 0Likes

    Good content and encouraging words. I am in this phase of business life and is like I am not afraid of failing again. Thank you Mr Toyin

  • by Odo Ikechukwu
    Posted December 17, 2021 3:25 am 0Likes

    Hey, am trapped by this form of life narrated above, the write up has become an eye opener.
    Thanks Mr. Toyin
    The Video could is not available Sir

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